Monday, December 29, 2008

First Steps!!!!

On Saturday, Danica took her first steps! It was only one and a half steps, but she tried! Aunt Jill was working with her, and she was having lots of fun trying to step and take off! Danica also got her third tooth on Saturday. It is one of the top ones. So, now she won't be turning one, and only have two teeth! (I think this explains why she has been so moody lately)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008!

Here are some pictures of Jeremiah and Danica for Christmas. Danica really got in the hang of opening presents this year. Every time after she took a piece of wrapping off, she would hand that wrapping to her big brother, and then go for another piece. Mommy got WiiFit this year for Christmas, and, as you can tell, Danica likes sitting on the board.

Christmas was fun! For Christmas Eve Day, we had my dad come over. I made an egg casserole and cinnamon rolls. The kids had a great time with everybody there.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Let the sleeping baby lie!!!

This is how I found Danica as she was taking her morning nap! Apparently she's chosen to sleep on her tummy like her mommy does.

Doesn't she look so innocent?

I just had to get a picture of this, because who knows when I will get another one of her doing the same thing.

Christmas at Grandma Dorothy's

Here we are on Sunday at Grandma Dorothy's house for Christmas. Jeremiah is in the background as you can see, digging through the presents. :) Aunt Cindi put the reindeer ears on Danica, and she actually kept them on for quite awhile. We had a great Christmas at Grandma Dorothy's.

Cruising Around!

Danica has learned how to cruise around quite a bit. She will go from one couch to the next. Her latest discovery is letting go of the furniture and holding herself up for a few seconds before dropping to the floor!

It won't be long before she's walking, and she's not my "baby" anymore.