Sunday, March 29, 2009

Flying Rockets

We took the kids to the Science Center Saturday morning. They have something going on there until April 4th call CANstruction. They make statues of things out of canned, boxed, and bagged goods. It was pretty cool to see. There were a lot of WALL-E, there was a corn patch of corn stalks, and many other things. I think we'll go back so we can see the finished products, as we were there when they were building all of it.

The other thing we did was Jake and Jeremiah built a rocket together. They did such an awesome job that their rocket flew all the way across and landed into the net! A comment from a bystander was "nice". So they must have done a pretty good job! Jeremiah was thrilled that it flew all the way to the net! If you watch the video closely, you can see it. It's only about 3 seconds long, so it's fast.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Potty Like a Big Girl!!!

The other night, when I went to put Danica in her overnight diaper, I decided to take her to the potty chair to see what she would do. To my amazement, the minute we put her on she went!!! I was so happy for her, and she looked at me like what am I doing? :) Just had to share my news!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fun at Erin's House

We went to Erin's house yesterday to let the kids play and they had lots of fun. Joel and Jeremiah did really good together. Plus, it was good for each of them to have someone to play with. Danica had more fun playing with the blocks, and putting them into her mouth than anything. Also, Jeremiah found a new toy that he REALLY likes. They are called KEVA planks, and you can do so many things with them. In the first picture on this post Jeremiah was trying to build a roller coaster out of the planks. He realized also, that you need to do this on a hard surface or it will fall easily. This definitely might be something to look into for his birthday or for Christmas.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Playing Outside

Friday was such a gorgeous day outside, I decided to take the kids outside to play. They had so much fun swinging. I can't wait to take them outside more this summer. Danica is now walking all by herself as well. She is growing up so fast. Jeremiah had so much fun swinging. I love this picture of him!