Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fun Feeding Myself!

So, for dinner the other night, I made Danica some homemade Apple/Sweet Potato mixture, and I mixed both of those up with some rice cereal. She had been doing really well with them, and liked them a lot, but tonight didn't seem too interested in eating them. So I didn't push her to finish her meal, and decided, well, let's let her play with it to feel what the textures are like. At first I put just a spoonfull on her tray in front of her, and she played for awhile. Then I gave in and let her have the whole bowl. Luckily, none of it ended up on the floor! She sure had a lot of fun playing in it though! All in all, it was a fun experience feeding herself for the first time! Even though only tiny bits actually made it into her mouth.

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