Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Danica's 6 month stats

Well, I have a big girl! We all know that. Her 6 month stats are...

weight... 20 pounds 11 ounces

height... 27 1/2 inches

She is my big girl, and I just love looking at her little fat rolls. Here is a picture of her her playing in the bath tub. She just loves the water!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Hi, I got here through the snowdrop site, I make my own cloth diapers too, but I'm waiting for supplies because he outgrew what I had so fast,I only have two fitteds and two covers that fit! I read your post and I hope your week gets better!!
I'm Ericaand3kids on the board (even though I have 4 lol)