Monday, December 29, 2008

First Steps!!!!

On Saturday, Danica took her first steps! It was only one and a half steps, but she tried! Aunt Jill was working with her, and she was having lots of fun trying to step and take off! Danica also got her third tooth on Saturday. It is one of the top ones. So, now she won't be turning one, and only have two teeth! (I think this explains why she has been so moody lately)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008!

Here are some pictures of Jeremiah and Danica for Christmas. Danica really got in the hang of opening presents this year. Every time after she took a piece of wrapping off, she would hand that wrapping to her big brother, and then go for another piece. Mommy got WiiFit this year for Christmas, and, as you can tell, Danica likes sitting on the board.

Christmas was fun! For Christmas Eve Day, we had my dad come over. I made an egg casserole and cinnamon rolls. The kids had a great time with everybody there.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Let the sleeping baby lie!!!

This is how I found Danica as she was taking her morning nap! Apparently she's chosen to sleep on her tummy like her mommy does.

Doesn't she look so innocent?

I just had to get a picture of this, because who knows when I will get another one of her doing the same thing.

Christmas at Grandma Dorothy's

Here we are on Sunday at Grandma Dorothy's house for Christmas. Jeremiah is in the background as you can see, digging through the presents. :) Aunt Cindi put the reindeer ears on Danica, and she actually kept them on for quite awhile. We had a great Christmas at Grandma Dorothy's.

Cruising Around!

Danica has learned how to cruise around quite a bit. She will go from one couch to the next. Her latest discovery is letting go of the furniture and holding herself up for a few seconds before dropping to the floor!

It won't be long before she's walking, and she's not my "baby" anymore.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On the Move

Danica has learned how to crawl. She started crawling on October 23, the day she turned 9 months. She is getting better and better everyday, and now she is also learning how to pull herself up to her feet at the coffee table.

Danica's 9 month stats:
Weight: 22 pound 15 ounces
Height: 18 1/4 inches tall

Her appointment went well, she got her flu shot, and she didn't even cry. For her weight she is still in the 95%. I don't think she's every going to slow down. :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Teeth!!! Update on other things!

Jeremiah lost his first tooth about a week ago! Danica finally got her first tooth October 10!!! Both of my babies are growing up so fast.

Jeremiah is also learning how to tie his shoes as well. He is doing a great job in kindergarten. He loves learning new things, and is having a good time.

Danica is learning to scoot on her butt, and she is also starting to pull herself up on to her knees.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Danica's 6 month stats

Well, I have a big girl! We all know that. Her 6 month stats are...

weight... 20 pounds 11 ounces

height... 27 1/2 inches

She is my big girl, and I just love looking at her little fat rolls. Here is a picture of her her playing in the bath tub. She just loves the water!

Fun at the Iowa State Fair!

We took the kids to the Iowa State Fair Friday. We had a lot of fun. Jeremiah and Jake got to ride an elephant. We watched baby chickens hatch from their shells. Jeremiah really liked watching that. Jeremiah rode on the caterpillar roller coaster, his favorite thing at the fair! :) Jeremiah and Danica also did a thing called "Little Hands on the Farm" at the fair. We also had some good fair food, we had corndogs, turkey legs, and lemonade. I ventured into buying myself a deepfat fried hoho, and it was soooo good!!! We had a fun day together. Can't wait for next year!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jeremiah 5 year and Danica 6 months!!!

We went to Portrait Innovations the other day and got our pictures taken Aunt Jill took them for us, and she did an awesome job!!! She took 99 photos, but here's a couple of them. Most of them turned out great. These are a couple of my favorite ones.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fun Feeding Myself!

So, for dinner the other night, I made Danica some homemade Apple/Sweet Potato mixture, and I mixed both of those up with some rice cereal. She had been doing really well with them, and liked them a lot, but tonight didn't seem too interested in eating them. So I didn't push her to finish her meal, and decided, well, let's let her play with it to feel what the textures are like. At first I put just a spoonfull on her tray in front of her, and she played for awhile. Then I gave in and let her have the whole bowl. Luckily, none of it ended up on the floor! She sure had a lot of fun playing in it though! All in all, it was a fun experience feeding herself for the first time! Even though only tiny bits actually made it into her mouth.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jeremiah and Danica!

Well, I decided to make a blog for Jeremiah and Danica that way people can see all the cute pictures we take, and they can catch up on how we are all doing. This isn't the greatest picture of the two of them, but, at least they are both looking at the camera! I am definitely going to post better pictures of them when I get the chance. For now, this is it, and I will update more this weekend!